Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Annie Leonard - The Story of Stuff

Materials economy, it's all about being green and recycling. Doing our part in society to prevent any further pollution to the world, but how many of us actually do so? People may be aware of these problems but from the lack of knowledge, they are unable to act.

After watching Annie Leonard's Story of Stuff, a more important and critical issue is brought up that makes recycling look like a simple obstacle to hurdle over. The main problem is consumerism and society's subconscious push towards consumption. I buy energy saving light bulbs and do my part in recycling, so does a lot friends and family however like previously mentioned the main problem lies in consumption. Notice how I said "I buy energy saving light bulbs" ? Even recycling has been turned into a market of consumption. This vicious cycle tends to be fuelled by what Annie Leonard describes as 'perceived obsolescence' where trends control consumption. Theoretically: Once a trend appears we as consumers will flock towards it and succumb to the appeals of said trend, once a new trend appears the old is discarded and repeat.

Annie Leonard presents a linear idea that pretty much maximises the use of any resource from extraction right to disposal and recycling. Not to sound pessimistic but this is but a mere dream that is almost impossible to achieve. This conclusion is based on the fact that many products are made in ways that render them almost impossible to be recycled. What are we to do to keep this world from plummeting into a deep hole of consumption and irresponsible waste disposal?

From this video, it has shown me that we as designers must help prevent said problems. Society's push on consumption will never cease as almost every single business strives on the consumption of their product by us consumers, however we as designers can make a large difference by two ways. Firstly we must acknowledge and research resources that allow possible recycling and/or reuse. Secondly we must create products that would give the consumer a type of emotional attachment that will keep them from disposing the product.

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